Doing group work is of great benefit to you and your learners. It keeps everyone active on a task. It promotes team building and learning roles. Maybe most importantly, it gives you the chance to focus on a smaller group of learners and engage them in formative feedback, discussion, and coaching, depending on the task

A concern when transitioning from face-to-face to online delivery, which is driven by campus closures, is that the required speed of transition may negatively impact the learning experience. This is due to faculty needing to re-think their learning activities and to upskill themselves to succeed in an online model. This adjustment takes time. However, delivery

The recent and unprecedented move to online delivery of courses has left many educators transitioning to adapt their practice to an altered learning environment. Professor Stuart Kime and Jamie Scott of Evidenced Based Education discuss the challenges and opportunities for providing assessment and feedback online. Although they reference school contexts, these strategies are equally relevant

Blackboard Exemplary Course Program Rubric Blackboard Exemplary Course Program (ECP) Rubric defines key characteristics for designing high-quality courses. It is an effective resource to guide instructors when designing their online course shells or evaluating current ones for future enhancements. The ECP rubric highlights recommended practices within the framework of four major areas:    Course Design  

Today’s teachers have a number of tasks that were not necessarily part of their domain years ago. Often, one of those tasks is designing courses, which some teachers can find overwhelming. A few weeks ago, a faculty member asked for some guidance, saying, “I’m not an instructional designer; how am I supposed to know how to create

Embedding a PowerPoint presentation into your Blackboard course provides the students with a more visually appealing course design. It is also the easiest way to share updates to the presentation with your students since any changes made will automatically be updated in the presentation in your Blackboard course. This makes it the most efficient way