I mentioned in a previous entry that running synchronous online classes can be more challenging for instructors than face-to-face classes and that is it often all too easy to slip into a lecture-style presentation to combat a feeling of being over-whelmed while teaching a large group online. Baehr (2012) and Peacock et al (2012) found

Communities of Practice (CoPs), first outlined by Lave and Wenger in 1991 and explored more comprehensively by Wenger in the 1998 book Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity, is essentially a group of people who learn, grow and practice together, usually – but not always – in a professional way. You may already be

Embedding a PowerPoint presentation into your Blackboard course provides the students with a more visually appealing course design. It is also the easiest way to share updates to the presentation with your students since any changes made will automatically be updated in the presentation in your Blackboard course. This makes it the most efficient way

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a browser-based web conferencing tool that allows faculty to synchronously communicate online with students anywhere. It’s one of the tools that faculty can use to conduct their online classes. Collaborate Ultra provides multiple features that instructors can use to engage students, receive their input, and conduct collaboration activities. If you are

Active learning comes out of the constructivist learning theory that we learn better through building our own knowledge and connecting new ideas to existing knowledge and experiences to form understanding. This model starts to take on greater importance when we consider an online learning environment which for the presenter can be far more challenging than a face-to-face

As you already know, every faculty member and student at HCT has an Office 365 account and what most of you already know is that each account has 1TB of storage space. You probably also know that you can share documents and work together on them with your colleagues, but there are also many ways to