Monitor Live Widgets in BookWidgets

by / Thursday, 16 April 2020 / Published in BookWidgets, Teaching with Technology


HCT now has BookWidgets added as an LTI tool in Blackboard. This means that you can add a direct link to a BookWidget in your Blackboard courses. When your students click on that link, their name and email address will be automatically populated. It also means that you will be able to use the new Live feature. So, during your class, you can monitor your students progress in real time.


Linking your BookWidgets account to Blackboard

First, you need to link your BookWidgets account and Blackboard. You only need to complete these steps the first time you add a BookWidgets Direct Link to Blackboard.

  1. Go to a course in Blackboard where you want to add a widget.
  2. Go to the content area and choose Build Content and choose Bookwidgets Direct LinkAdd BookWidgets Link
  3. You will see a screen letting you know that the LTI tool is being launched. You may also get a request to Open BookWidgets
  4. BookWidgets will automatically search for an account associated with the email address Blackboard has listed for you. Click on Link my BookWidgets account.

Remember: you have two email addresses at HCT, the long and short version. If you are a using the other version in BookWidgets, this is not a problem. Just tick Agree and click on Link to an existing BookWidgets account.

Note: if you are already logged into BookWidgets in the same browser, you will be moved to the next step. If not, log into the account you want to link.

  1. Click on Yes, link this account. 
  1. Once the account is linked, you will be brought back into Blackboard see this screen. You can click on the Content area to get back into your course.

Register Account Screen


Adding a BookWidget Direct Link to your Course

  1. Go to the Content Area where you want to add the link. Click on Build Content and then Bookwidgets Direct Link.
  2. You will see a screen letting you know that the LTI tool is being launched. You may also get a request to Open BookWidgets
  1. Your BookWidgets account will be launched and you will see all your folders and widgets. Find the widget you want to add, click on the arrow next to Show and then click on ChooseChoose BookWidget
  1. The link will be added to your course and you can edit it just like any other weblink you add to Blackboard. You just can’t edit the link itself.
  1. When your students click on the link, their first name and last name will be automatically populated. When they click on Submit (email icon), their HCT email address will also be automatically populated them.

Widget Student Name Auto Populated



Viewing your Students’ Progress in Real Time

Now that you have linked your account and added a widget you can monitor your students’ activity in the widget in real time.

  1. Log into and go to My Account and ensure Live Widget is enabled.

BookWidgets My Account Live Widget

  1. Now click on Live and choose the Widget you wish to monitor.

Live Widget Monitoring

Monitoring Whiteboard Widgets

For the whiteboard widgets, you can view your students last activity and then click on the students’ name to view their work on the whiteboard in real time.

Students' Progress Whiteboard Monitoring

Monitoring Worksheet Widgets

For worksheet widgets, you will be able to view your students’ grade for each question as they move through the worksheet (as below). Clicking on their name will allow you to view the whole worksheet.

Worksheet Monitoring Worksheet Monitoring Activity

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One Response to “Monitor Live Widgets in BookWidgets”

  1. Dylan Coady says :

    Thanks for this – I saw this feature on bookwidgets and it is nice to have a walk through on how to set it up.

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