Migrations from Vista to Learn 9.1 will happen starting September 2012, to be completed by January 2013. Here are some quick directions on migrating your course from Bb Vista on over to Blackboard Learn 9.1.   Find your course in VISTA (http://bbvista.hct.ac.ae) In the Course Manager of your course choose ->Backup ->Backup your course. Refresh

What’s new in Bb Learn 9.1 SP8

Thursday, 22 March 2012 by

There are new changes on the horizon to Blackboard’s interface, features, and overall functionality. These changes will be ushered in when HCT upgrades to Blackboard Learn, Version 9.1, Service Pack 8 (SP8) this April.   Blackboard Interface: SP8’s interface changes will be immediately noticeable and more in-line with today’s Web 2.0 experience. Most apparent will

Two Ways to Share Course Content

Wednesday, 21 March 2012 by

Generally you have two types of courses. Some are all about pushing information out to the learners. And some focus on changing behavior and performance. Both have their roles in the world of elearning. Performance-based courses are easier to assess because you can measure performance before and after. Information-based courses are a bit more challenging