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One topic that comes up often while discussing online learning is that of assessment. Creating and offering assessments that do not necessarily follow the traditional route has been a hot topic for years, and the increased prevalence of online learning has only served to fuel the fire. Do traditional assessments measure learning and skill development as well

Nearpod’s quiz tool is a great way to introduce formative assessments into your class and now it is a great way to introduce some friendly competition as well. Time to Climb is a new tool introduced this week by Nearpod and it allows students to compare their progress with others while working through a quiz. There are

When it comes to conducting online classes, there are three crucial elements that contribute to an effective online session as follows: the quality of the session, the confidence of attendees in dealing with Collaborate Ultra and the ability of the moderator to control and monitor what’s going on during the session. Thus, from these three perspectives, below

I mentioned in a previous entry that running synchronous online classes can be more challenging for instructors than face-to-face classes and that is it often all too easy to slip into a lecture-style presentation to combat a feeling of being over-whelmed while teaching a large group online. Baehr (2012) and Peacock et al (2012) found

Communities of Practice (CoPs), first outlined by Lave and Wenger in 1991 and explored more comprehensively by Wenger in the 1998 book Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity, is essentially a group of people who learn, grow and practice together, usually – but not always – in a professional way. You may already be

Embedding a PowerPoint presentation into your Blackboard course provides the students with a more visually appealing course design. It is also the easiest way to share updates to the presentation with your students since any changes made will automatically be updated in the presentation in your Blackboard course. This makes it the most efficient way