Welcome to Kahoot! Premium

by / Sunday, 01 December 2019 / Published in Teaching with Technology

The student response system Kahoot! has long been favoured by teachers and students alike as a way to liven up a classroom with fun review for the students while giving the teacher a bit of insight as to weaknesses in learner knowledge. As you likely know by now, HCT has purchased a system-wide license to the premium version of Kahoot!, and while the free version offered faculty enough features to get the ball rolling – including the recently added question banks and more characters per question – the premium versions offers so much more.

One of the biggest benefits of having the premium license is full access to premium Kahoot! games, which are created, edited and vetted by professional educators, who ensure a standard of quality. While the free version of Kahoot! also gave access to premium games, users were not able to duplicate them into their own accounts or edit them for their specific learners’ needs.

The benefits don’t stop there, as premium users have several new options when creating new Kahoot! games or editing existing ones. One very useful feature here is being able to mix different question types in a single game, meaning quizzes made up of endless multiple choice questions are a thing of the past. Now a single game can have multiple choice, true or false, open-ended, puzzle, poll or word cloud questions, offering up greater and more flexible formative assessment opportunities.

KahootScreenshot QuestionTypes

Another great addition for premium users is the ability to insert slides between questions. The slides allow users to include text, images and videos to give players clarity or feedback for specific questions after they’ve been played, to provide information needed to answer questions that are about to be played and to transition to new topics. Not only does this enable educators to provide deeper learning opportunities, it also allows the teacher to teach and deliver an entire lesson using Kahoot!.

A premium feature that is sure to heighten focus and excitement during game play is the image reveal. Images added to questions can be revealed all at once or piece by piece in 3×3, 5×5 or 8×8 grids. Students can read the questions and watch the reveal for clues to answer faster than their classmates. And speaking of images, the premium license allows users to search through and choose from literally millions of royalty-free images. This saves teachers from searching images in a search engine, saving them to their hard drive, optimizing them and uploading them to their Kahoot! questions or, worse yet, not including images at all.

KahootScreenshot ImageReveal

Kahoot! has also added a personalized learning feature, which is sure to be useful for both students and their teachers. Enabling the personalized learning function before games start – and ensuring students access the game via the Kahoot! app – will let Kahoot! remember the questions each student struggled with the most. When the game is over, students will be prompted to replay the questions that challenged them, which can be done in different rounds spaced about a week apart. The reports generated for each game can help teachers see which students are struggling and how they may need additional support.

KahootScreenshot PersonalizedLearn

Sharing has been made easier in the premium version of Kahoot! as well, which comes in handy with an organization as big as HCT. In the basic version, users could share their Kahoot! games with others by sending them a link or send it to their usernames if they knew them. The premium version allows for the creation of a team, where folders for different topics, sections, groups, etc., can be created. This makes for simple sharing and much easier organization.

KahootScreenshot TeamFolders

Beyond these highlights, the premium license gives users a few other added bonuses, such as the ability to have games or polls with up to 2000 participants in both live and challenge games, branding the game with, in our case, the HCT logo and switching up the Kahoot! music for games.

With all of these great features, Kahoot! Premium is sure to meet many educators’ needs when it comes to implementing innovative and support technology solutions in the classroom.

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